Linking and Apend Bug?

I have found that if I Append a collection (with rig) into a new file I get what I expect and all of the collections inside come through OK.

But I have another file with a lot of linked objects. Not sure if it is the linked objects or just a lot if objects. But I get a different result. I don’t get an append of the collections. Everything comes in linked.


Here is the same action Appending to a blank file:


This is what I want and expect. Not linked objects.

Any ideas?

EDIT: So yeah this is just some kind of file bug. Some kind of gremlin that got in there. I can’t really reproduce it outside of this file. So I am having to rebuild everything from scratch. Might be that it is broke trying to append after linking a lot of objects. Not sure.

have you tried to link the objects to 2 groups maybe ? then appending one of the groups and see what will you come up with , if all the objects came out then it might be a file bug yeah , if it’s about the file then open a new empty blend file and append the whole objects/scenes there , save the new file and try , if it happened again then search for a hidden object links all the objects or something , hope i helped

Thanks for the reply. I sorted it already. Sorry not to be clear. I will mark it as solved.

There were other bugs as well. But because Blender seems to be very bad at linking in general with various issues, I decided linking critical animation assets is not worth the advantages.

So the workflow I have adopted is to only link static objects.

Some will disagree. But there is almost zero advantage to linking characters and hero props compared to simply appending.

When these issues arrise I always fall back to relying less on technology and go old school. Overall time is saved and production moves smoothly.

The advantage of low file size footprint as well as team colab to “auto update” is way down the list of prority compared to a stable predictable pipeline.

Solution was to simply append the characters into a fresh scene and link only the environment.

Linking characters did also work in a fresh scene. But for the reasons mentioned I have decided to drop linking characters in Blender untill it is more stable.

Oh , I’m happy for you , enjoy your project ! :slight_smile:

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Well this bug came back.

I can no longer attribute it to that file. And now trying to apend into the new file I made does not work again.


This means to update the clock properly I will have to rebuild the whole scene again

I am using 2.92. I will update to 93 LTS and see if it persists and then report it