Linux Format Magazine and Blender series

Whilst looking to buy my regular mags EDGE and 3DWORLD I happened to chance upon Linux Format because it time to do the Linux thing.

Anyway on th front cover was a disrto of Mandrake 9.2 so i think to myself why not. After getting home and going through the pages I flick straight into a four page spread on Blender.

It’s been running for the past EIGHT months.

Has anybody commented on this yet? or spread the word about this.
I felt quite sad and annoyed at that point that beacuse I had missed the last 8 spreads on Blender.

It’s just nice to see a magazine print positive stuff about a piece of sofware that you really like.

The series is comming to an end soon.
At the bottom of the last page a Mr Jono Bacon who wrote the series says that ’ it is comming to an end soon so mag readers should mail him with last minute suggestions for Blender methods or questions that you would like to see in the next couple of issuses please mail them to [email protected] ’ .

Thats my little rant over.


Yeah, I got 'em all…
Don’t worry. The quality was not all that great. Just the last couple of tuts were half decent. Better stuff can be found here in the Tutorial tread.
I did leave a message in a tread by Ton on

Hi UgMike yeah thanks for that, but it’s just nice to see stuff about Blender in the press.

It would make me really happy if one day there was a 3DWorld front cover with Blender plastered all over it .

Thanks anyway. has had blender on it for about eight months. Also the commercial version of RH has blender as part of the distro.
hazmat has graciously provided the RH rpm at if your interested. I think the 1.3x version is really setting the stage for getting the ball rolling. I don’t know if there is a Debian package available yet or not.