hey guys anyone know of a good linux forum out there for me??
i need to et my 5.1 channel cound to downmix a 2 channel MP3 correctly so i get all the speakers working, but nobody knows how to do it (well not that i know0
anyway the only thing stoping me from using linux 100% is my music!!!
i am using mandrake 9.1 but the forums they have set up cost money to use so i don’t want to go there to ask questions.
i am currently at desktoplinux.com or somthing like that. but they move pretty slowly so i don’t get much usefull info from them.
i’ll try the gentoo forums but i don’t know how bad distro rivalry is or if the skills can be transferd to easily (unless they have similar configuration GUI setups)
Right now I am also in the middle of a sound “issue” (I want to make my midi keyboard work with Linux :-?) with Mandrake 9.0, but I’ll try to help you :D.
Most probably your problem has to do something with ALSA…
But before you try something stupid, like upgrading to a newer ALSA version go to Multimedia–>Sound–>KMix and see if by adjusting the various channels volumes, you get sound from all your speakers…
If it doesn’t work, launch alsamixer from a console… Try adjusting the volumes from there (you move from channel to channel with the left/right arrow keys and adjust the volumes with the up/down arrow keys…)
If this doesn’t work, come back and tell me what went wrong…
[EDIT}: To mut/unmute a channel in alsamixer you just press the “M” key on your keyboard…
One more thing, you most probably need to adjust the volume in the following channels (in alsamixer of course… ):
“Wave”, “Wave Cen” “Wave LFE”, “Wave Sur”… Ofcourse I’m not very sure, cause I don’t know if we have the same Sound Card (mine is a SB!Live 1024)… Also note that I have upgraded to alsa-0.9.4
i have previously tried all the GUI channel things etc…
the problem is i think my 5.1 channels PROBABLY works fine.
but i don’t have anything that is actually 5.1 channel encoded
i am trying to convert an MP3 which is 2 channels, into 5.1 channel audio using downmixing.
e.g. left and right become
—left goes to–
Front LEFT
—right goes to–
the centre and SUB are a mixture of both left and right.
i have read a lot on ALSA, but it doesn’t seem to have anything i could use (i do know what it is BTW)
and as for consoles , ha ha ha i have yet to use one (you can do most things in the GUI)
so i have to say i know NO comands at all
the mandrake hardware cofiguration centre has NOTHING that will help me change anything, and as i said under all the sound configuration GUI’s and programs i have yet to find one that helps.
this is annoying me a bit (as well as the font displays in Linux)
How the hell do I install debian anyhow, when I look at all the steps that must be perform, couldn’t they at least tell you the order it should be in ?