Available here:
Only works on ubuntu / debian based linux distros.
Available here:
Only works on ubuntu / debian based linux distros.
You may want to change the name slightly to show it’s a Debian & derivatives installer. distros such as Arch, RedHat, Gentoo etc. have their own package managers which don’t use apt (and which work)
or BEST YET use your package manager !!!
apt-git install blender
----- or ----
yum install blender
---or ---
zypper in blender
-- and so on
i really LOVE this bit in the link you poster
I don’t know if I am on a 64bit or 32bit distro
and be a sheeple
you have NO business any where near a computer
Yes I know different distros have their own package manager.
Also at JohnVV
Did it occur to you the reason for this creation is that aptitude insists on installing old versions of blender, I wasn’t quite wanting to “upgrade” to debian sid just to install blender on a headless home server I also sometimes use as a render farm.
If you don’t know why using debian sid on a home server is a bad idea there is a thread dedicated to people using sid for servers there on debian user forums somewhere.
Just mention that you do not need to install Blender. It is recommended that you download official Blender (tar.bz2 file), extract to a new folder and run “blender” file inside that folder. Then you probably want to create a launcher pointing to that “blender” file.
the need for "installers ( setup.exe) " is to set and HIDE keys and such in the Microsoft system registry
linux installs DO NOT use a Microsoft system registry
the only thing is the rpm or deb or xz package database of installed software
this has the listing for the NEEDED .so’s for things
99.9% of things on a linux install are shared libs so versions need to match
hence the package manager !
not to long ago there was not even a installed package database
this was a problem
– google RPM HELL and yes it is like MS windows "DLL hell "
manually installing dependencies for rhel or debian was a pain in the rear end
and that was not to long ago
not sure when debian introduced “apt-get” but redhat started using “yum” in RHEL 5 about 10 years ago and back ported to rhel4
hence the creation of “package managers”
build from source and blacklist the program in the package manager database
or convert it to a deb or rpm ( very easy to do)
if the version you build is newer then the package manager will not overwrite it
basic linux 101
and the tarball is self contained !
just like Firefox ! and a few other odd balls
so you see a deb/rpm/xz is a “installer” in a way
Yes I am VERY acquainted with package managers and how to come up with workarounds for them. I’ve been using arch linux for about a year and debian and ubuntu for about 2 - 3 years prior to that. Though I am sure a newbie will find your post helpful.
Well that would work also. Thats what I love about linux (and blender) there is a million ways to do things. Like pretty much what the installer scripts do.