Linux OpenGL HELP!

Ok, I’ve got a matrox G450 and I can’t get direct rendering to work. I just finished compiling and installing the new XFree86 but it still doesn’t work! O, and I’m running gentoo 2.4.20

I hope someone can help me… cuz I’m dying to play Quake3


get a geforce

umm, check your /var/log/XFree86.0.log
for stuff
and check your /etc/X11/XF86Config (or whatever it is called) to see if it actually tries to load the dri module

as for other things, you aren’t giving me any clues and I don’t know where to begin in the first place (I get to get my radeon working soon, I’ve never tried a matrox card)

yeah, if i had money i would get one…

what info do you need to help

BTW: I already changed my XF86Config file so that it loads dri and glx

I have no idea what the problem is

(and not running linux at this second I couldn’t give you exact answers)

does glxinfo (I forget exactly) say you are running mesa?
is there actually dri stuff for matrox cards?
are there any errors or warnings in /var/log/XFree86.0.log

I don’t know what the problem is, I can’t really help

Not sure but I think XFree86 as of version 4.0.1 supports dri for your card… So there shouldn’t be any issue…

In order for DRI to work, you don’t only need the appropriate dri enabled drivers and the appropriate changes in your XFree86Config…

You also have to have DRI enabled in your kernel… If it isn’t, then DRI simply won’t work…

Now normaly DRI should be enabled in every distro, out of the box… But then again you never know…

Run the command:


it will show you a list of all the kernel modules that are loaded…

Try to see if there are any DRI related modules loaded (I think in your case, what we are looking for is called mga.o or something…)… If not, then most probably you need to recompile your kernel with DRI support…

You may also want to check out this:

It’s rather outdated and Debian oriented, but I think it should be a little bit helpful…

[EDIT] Just forget the link I provided above… Go to: This is gentoo oriented instructions on how to setup DRI for your card…

Good luck.