Linux WindowManager + Blender

Hi everyone,

I need a little help with choosing a WM that lets me use “Alt+RMB” so that I can do a loop selection. What WM are you guys using and, are there any themes out there that were not created in 2002/3? I have not used Linux for a few years and am surprised that so little has changed (as in version numbers) when it comes to Window Managers and themes.

Would KDE be better for blender? (I use Ubuntu and could install it if someone can confirm that it works 100%)
I would love an OSX look for my Linux desktop. Any themes that look cool (I googled for hours and only found old stuff from WAY back)

Ask and you shall receive :slight_smile:

GNOME lets you use the alt key, you simply need to change it in the GNOME manager. GNOME is also not as resource heavy as KDE imo, which is crucial for Blendering.

I just use SHIFT+ALT+RMB when I want to loop select :slight_smile:

thanks for solving my problem guys!!

I just tried it holding shift+alt+rmb works :slight_smile: