Lip Sync??

how could i pssible to import a voice to make an lip sync to my character in blender 2.5??

Hello rvnosa,

that’s simple - you need to use the sequencer.
So change your 3D view to the Video Sequence Editor and choose from the menu “Add… - Sound”. Then you find your audio file that represents your voice and import it in the sequencer. A new strip should appear, maybe you have to readjust the length of your scene to fit the audio file. Be sure to place it to the beginning in the timeline of the sequence editor and then you can change over to your 3D scene again.
If you enable the “audio scrubbing” in your timeline, than you can lip sync more easily.

Now you should hear your audio synchronously when playing your animation in realtime.

Happy Blendering!

I know I saw a tut on this somewhere. Anyone have a link?

yep! i’ve done some lip synch animation in my few points.

you can use papagayo (which is free and fast to lipsync) to lipsync then import the keys to your model, and about how to do that:
a papagayo tutroial here:

importing the lipsync into blender here: