List index out of range

Hi I’m following this tutorial:

And when it’s time to make the rigg of the character it sends me the message: “Generation has thrown an exception: list index out of range”

I made sure several times to check if the bones were connected and it stills throws me this error, I think it has to do with something I saw in the Blender Log that says: " Bone ´bone´:Intput rig type must be a chain of 2 or more bones"

I don’t have any bone named “Bone” but I think the problem has to do with the connection between the neck and the spine.003

Because before this error there was another one that said: [Bone ‘spine’: Input to rig type must be a chain of 3 or more bones. Incorrect armature for type ‘chain_rigs’] But I don’t know what did I do because this stopped showing.

In the video the Youtuber deletes one of the bones of the spines.super_head and then connects it to the spine, which I think is why it’s throwing me this error message.

I still don’t know how to solve this, I would be very greatful if someone helped me with this.

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the torso spine from spines-basic-spine is usually hardcoded to 4 bones only, and the other spines (2 neck bones and head) is the spine-super head which is parented but not connected to the main spines…

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I parented it as offset but it still doesn’t work, and I also have 4 bones for the spine and 2 for the neck and 1 for the head

can you show me a screenshot of the armature? also check that you actually have connected the 2 neck bones and head (as a chain)…

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Sorry for answering late, here is the screenshoot

Heck I don’t see a problem there, also when there are bones that have “connect chain” make sure is snapped very well to the head/tail of the nearby bone because it my give errors or offset the whole chain and it’s parents. Also if you can send me the rig armature only in a PM i could review it closely tho…

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Thanks, I’m almost sure I did connect everything well but a review would be great thank you so much!
But where I can send you the model?

Click the PM button when you clicks someone’s avatar here

Is that the message button? what is a PM button?

ah sorry i should have elaborated more i meant this: