"Lista" - Diploma in Animation


Diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Graphic Design Department, 2010.
Made with Blender 2.49b and Yafaray.


Specially The story , the lighting , the jerky animations , absolutely Wow
I bet u got high mark for that

This is AWESOME!
It’s so funny. The animation, lighting, art direction, everything is really really good. It looks like one of those Pixar shorts you see before the movies.

Plcythosky : I have to re-edit this comment since you did the same. Politics ! ha ha ha. A bit of fame and then people change their minds, politics ! You have deleted a bunch of comments of your own ! What happened? ha ha ha What happened with the BUMP BUMP BUMP ******* when you didn’t have any comments? What happened with your early repplies to us? Did you delete them because you are now on the spot? ha ha ha Don’t like arrogant people, and much less fake personalities. ha ha ha :slight_smile:

Great job i loved it keep up the good work

@Blabeen I did, thanks.

@Consideringthepickle Well, comparing this to Pixar is a bit excessive I think… Thanks!

@Spliff Thanks!

top-notch stuff! Cool way to tell a story… :slight_smile:

superb ! love the tazer :slight_smile:
submit this to http://www.futureshorts.com/submissions.php i think they’ll like it :slight_smile:

I like the ideea , but I dont like the fact that the dog gets the place of the girl , that it is called rejection to nature. Until that part is good.

Maybe reverse the dog with the girl can fix that.

Politics again :slight_smile:

Beautifully done! Such a nice concept with the scrolling rooms and the doors seeming to lead elsewhere while visually only to the next room, clever.

I like how it doesn’t even matter that it was done in blender, it’s simply a good and satisfying animation! I hope you do well in festivals!

don’t be so dense, it’s not supposed to be some love story. Finding the perfect girl would not provide that great a punchline…

I think it is a fantastic animation. Good story. Innovative presentation (scrolling scenes). Quality work.

Not a criticism but I do think that this could have been rendered in BI with the same image quality.

Great stuff! Really nice style!

@jrboddie1 Thanks. Correct me if I’m wrong, but BI has only some basic indirect lighting capabilities, and my animation was rendered using photon mapping.

@(jay) @bobrandolph @freen Thanks guys.

I just caught this as a Daily Deviation on Deviant Art well done congratulations and very rightly earned too.

I love this me too, but how are your make this scene ?
The door is a portal :^D ?
what script do you use for this effect ?


This could easily be accomplished with layers, and simple compositing.