little animated jellyfish

hey guys…

well for now I have finished that little animation :slight_smile: but there is still alot to do… so I might post a better version during the next months :slight_smile: feel free to criticise. And maybe a few more ideas what more to include in that litle animation … thx for watching :D.

Aww… look at the cute little jelly fish, first impression, the tenticles need to move more, right now they look like sticks attached to the jelly. As the opinion from a geniune nub, is it possible to animate all the tenticles in the same way just by manipulating one of them cause it would look much cooler even with an ultra simple wave.

Maybe give it some color, as in not completly empty, just a cloud kinda thing in the middle would work, then give it a home, it looks likes it floating in a VERY empty chunk space. And some kind of ripple action when it moves, like a particle emmiter that comes on when it pumps.

Other than that it looks awesome, how many polys is that? The compression of the jellyfishes body is really nice and smooth.

alot more to do…but its still cool…i wonder did u use particles for the tentacles or whatever they call them.Oh you need more movement of those things i mane it needs to bend more,and has to have a pushing motion…goood luck anywayz…:wink:

Nice jellyfish! I do agree with the others that it would be nicer to see the tentacles bending. I did a similar project years ago with another program, and your animation made me wonder if it would be possible to do it the same way in Blender.
It is!
The method has the benefits of being real easy and making the tentacles go along with the bell. I’ve included a .blend file if you’re interested. You’ll have to right-click/save as…

Hey thanks Nickej…i’ve learned another technique…

Hey, you’re welcome! Just trying to give back.
I’m a total novice with Blender, and I’ve been pestering people with questions here for months, so…

its one half of a 32x16 uv-sphere using subdiv… :). So nothing special…

The method has the benefits of being real easy and making the tentacles go along with the bell. I’ve included a .blend file if you’re interested. You’ll have to right-click/save as…

yeah thx. for showing me that other technique… the reason why my method doesn’t look really good is that i’m using softbodies (and i’m moving myjellyfish with an armature) … problem is: i’m still messing around with the settings…

here is another Version btw :slight_smile:

I already made the tantacles alitllte more realistic and added some features to the jellyfish… backround doesn’t work, yet though…

greetings Tom.

The model looks a lot better, those details make a big difference. However, the movement still looks a little bit jerky.

The tentacal movements are incredible! Nicely done.
