Little Church

Im obsessed with a little church so i sketched one out this morning. The building looks easy, its supposed to be a bit rustic but neat, not wartorn or anything. I wanna use grass and flowers around it kind of grown in but maybe on a chunk of earth, like uprooted.


nice start. it reminds me of the little church in the video for November Rain, guns and roses. I look forward to seeing more

Just started foolin around with Josh Maules idea of uniform particles on a vertex grid


a little addition…


Here is the grass

That’s looking pretty nice and clean. There’s really nothing to point out atm, keep up the good work.

a little work needs to be done on the steeple


cccccccccccccc cccccc


Looks good :slight_smile:
Such a church could do well in a little Canadian town :stuck_out_tongue:

Fantastic lighting! This has turned out great :slight_smile: nice work.

How did you create all the vegetation? is it grouped objects distributed via particle systems?

The vegetation is just appended from blender grass essentials pack. I did some to wieght painting to distribute about 3 or four kinds of grass and weeds. Yes grouped objects