I felt like making a compositing for the first time today.
I think it turned out pretty nice,so here you are
cya henrik
I felt like making a compositing for the first time today.
I think it turned out pretty nice,so here you are
cya henrik
Looks really good. Are you going to animate it?
Nice job kaktuswasser!
Maybe make your midge larger than the fly? Looks a little small IMO. But maybe they are that small.
nice looking piccie. details/techniques?
thanks guys
i was thinking about that for a long time… and didnt get an answer so I kept it like this hehe
well.First I put the photo as backdrop in the 3d view and created a shadow only plane.
Then I adjusted the light and rendered it on a 100% blue background.
After that I opened both pics in gimp, did a “color to alpha” on the midge pic and put it on the other one. Finally I just played a bit with layer effects
cya henrik
y did you do 100% blue bg instead of RGBA tga?
cos rgba gave me strange corners around the shadows and the midge
is there any 3d on this picture? the flies?
the brown midge sitting at the top is cg