little Dog rigging issue

hi all,

Im practically new to blender, and i made a little dog, but now when i tried rigging it and attach the rig to my dog with automatic weights it seemed to ruïn something in the jaw, i tried to fix this for days but im absolutely clueless now how to fix it, i hope somebody can help me safe my dog.

It could be several different issues…
you may have to post a file for us to all look at…
if you can’t post a file here yet…
go to…

there in the upper right of the website you will see a special blender ‘pasting’ (posting) section…
use that…

then come back here and post the website where your file is at with any access info…

Having said that…
It kind of looks like it could be a vertex group issue…

Selecting your Mesh > goto attributes panel > then Object Data (the little triangle Icon at the top) >
you should be able to find the “Vertex Groups” box… there will be a list there of all the current vertex groups…
make sure you don’t have any duplicates…

if you do…

delete all the vertex groups (save a copy of your file first in case you need to go back to it later)
by using the little black ‘down arrow’ button on the right under the plus and minus sign buttons > then select ‘Delete All Groups’…
Then goto your Modifier stack and remove the Armature modifier…
Now you can reply the Armature modifier using ‘Automatic weights’ again with a clean slate…

If that’s not the problem then it could be a couple of other things… but I will await your reply before I to go into those…

i did take a look at the vertex groups, that does not seem to be the issue, but i do got a link here

For one, the tongue on layer 2 of the rig, needs to be parented to the head, As it is now head rotation doesn’t rotate the tongue, so the mouth gets stretched out of shape. The tongue bones are also affecting the teeth, and the will need to be sorted out with vertex weights.

thank you, that tongue part actually solved the jaw stretching… however theres still some weird line thing going on on the jaw indeed, how can i fix that?

Weird line??? You mean where the bottom teeth are cutting through the bottom jaw? That’s all weight painting really. Look at how much the neck and left bottom eyelid effect the head. My workflow would be… Make everything above the neck 1.0 head and 0 for all other bones. Then, with auto-normalize turned on, paint in for the eyelids. The tongue is the only part that should be weighted to the tongue bones. The teeth need to be weighted just to the head, like the mouth around them.

In the file you posted there does not seem to be a Jaw bone In your Rigg…
the upper teeth should be weighted to the Head bone…
the lower teeth weighted to the Jaw Bone…

when Rigging your Characters… it is often helpful to do a bit of modeling work and model the Object with an Open mouth… for simplicity of Rigging and also so that AutoMajic weights don’t get confused when figuring weights… it also helps when your are weight painting and weight assigning by hand…

its my first time trying to rig something, i followed a tutorial called jacky blender on youtube. now i will try to follow these advices and see if i can fix the jaw problem there, thank you, i appreciate it

i barely dare to ask this but now the jaw is fixed ( yay thank you all for those tips they really helped) but now i seem to be left with a problem with the eyes and eyelids , i hope any of you still have some time to help me