I made a Little Knight standing on a Cliff in Cycles.
High-Res 4K Version here: http://orig01.deviantart.net/9530/f/2016/004/6/4/little_knight___made_in_blender_3d_by_friedyeti-d9mpd9k.png
Very nice!!
well, should it bee contrasty?
Contrast objects draw attention and that is what you clearly needed. Bigbad’s version is more plesant to eye good job anyway, keep going.
I do like how the knight looks in the contrasted version however the mountain in the middle-ground (left) should have been left untouched, you have lost some depth there I think.
Based on the lighting in the original version I would have expected some fog or clouds, but the sky is very bright. In the contrast version the sky is nearly completely white.
Just my 2 cents. I do like the image by the way.
hm, probably i should rework it sometime, or take the contras thing into account when i am working on my next creation
Thank you guys, you are very helpful
After looking at the render again I think that the composition or the point of interest is off. The knight should be in full attention. Right now he’s blended into the mountains.
I made another example of what I mean.
i am amazed by your photoshopskills and ideas how to improve the render. Any ideas on how to achieve somothing like your second post in cycles with nodes? I am pretty new to Cycles, this is actually my first time messing arround with the compositor, so i am quite unexperienced.
Thanks for your help!
Heh. I just got back to blender after being absent for 5 years :spin:. I’m not much help when it comes to cycles.
But you have done everything right anyways. It was just composition that maybe needed some work.
You could use http://www.dragoneex.com/downloads/dynamic-skyadd-on to test lightning. There is also a free version of blender guru pro lightning demo http://www.blenderguru.com/pro-lighting-skies-demo/.
Actually watch BlenderGuru on youtube. He explains stuff about composition in an easy way.