Little living room (second try - interior scene)

So hello once more…
Nothing much to say really. my second try on interior scene, any toughs?:eyebrowlift:
Rendered in Cycles, 1200 samples, post work in CameraBag2

It looks good! I think you should reduce the bump on the wall and light. Shrinking the fabric texture on the chair cushions would help. Finally, the specular color of the floor is completely silver which I don’t think is deliberate right?

Thank you Acres for your interest! The floor is actually supposed to be white-ish, but i agreed it turned out more silver looking.

Looks really clean! Nice render… like Acres said, the bump is a bit too much but overall a great scene!

I would choose a less similar texture for for the light and the wall.

I agree that the bump on the wall could be toned down a bit, but what texture did you use? I haven’t had much luck adding subtle bumpiness to my walls so I usually just stick to a diffuse shader.

the fruits look to glossy. also, the texture on the lamp looks a bit strange and i think the lamp is too far down. i would bump my head on it ;).
otherwise nice one :);):D!