this is my first acceptable render with bi, but it still is ant as good as the yafray render. any advice on how to get a good render out of bi?
the lights at the fire place end of the room are 0.2 shadow lamps are 0.5 and the rest are 0.4
the shadow lamp in the middle of the window is actually 3 lamps close together to make softer shadows. i am using ao with 10 samples.
that took 30 min to render. yafray takes 2 howers for the same scene (with much simpler lighting), witch is to long:(
its a thubnail, click on the pic for a larger versoin. i dont have any web hosting space, so i carnt post big images.
there is going to be a harth wen i diside how to modal it, (marble,ruf stone, gramte, tiles…) im rubbish at making textures, but blender internal+ wood alwase seems to look bad.) i need some advice on lighting a room like this.i have sertched but cannot find anything usfal.
its a thubnail, click on the pic for a larger versoin. i dont have any web hosting space, so i carnt post big images.
there is going to be a harth wen i diside how to modal it, (marble,ruf stone, gramte, tiles…) im rubbish at making textures, but blender internal+ wood alwase seems to look bad.) i need some advice on lighting a room like this.i have sertched but cannot find anything usfal.
if you don’t have the consideration or can’t be bothered to learn how to spell/run your posts through a spell check, then i don’t have the time to critique your work.
The room, on the other hand, looks like it was thrown together with no thought behind it. The carpet buts up to the fireplace (a building code violation everywhere there are building codes), there is no baseboard, no outlets or light switches, no doors or windows, no shelves, no molding, nothing but flat planes. The chosen colors, red walls and blue carpet, with green furniture, don’t work together.
if you don’t have the consideration or can’t be bothered to learn how to spell/run your posts through a spell check, then i don’t have the time to critique your work.
i am dyslexic! i do use a spell checker! it dus not recognise most of my spellings!
dyslexia is a recognised disability.
The room is very dark, though, which makes it look smaller. Such dark toned wallpaper is rarely run all the way to the floor, there would be wainscotting from the floor up to about waist high. This would be a wood panel, or a molding with a lighter color painted wall beneath it.
You need to add baseboards at the bottom of all the walls. All well-built walls have baseboards, for good reason. It is not just a decoration, there is a small gap between the wall and the floor, and the baseboard covers this gap.
Try moving some of your lights above the room. It seems all of them are next to the camera and pointing in the same direction.
the room is quite dark becose its suppost to be early in the morning, sun just starting to rise. im thinking of changing the colour of the carpet to make the image less blue, think this will help? i was thinking about having panaling, but wood+ blender internal don’t seem to go together very well.
The wood you are using on the chairs seems to be fine. Just make sure the scale fits the paneling by adjusting the Size x,y,z values in the texture Map Input panel.
Early morning sun should have a lot more red in it, and should not have any falloff. The back wall would be illuminated by the sun as brightly as the near wall, the carpet, or the back of the chair. The sun would cast a distinct shadow of the chair on the back wall. You would also get some backscatter (blue and yellow, same as the wallpaper) on the side walls, which would falloff. Low energy, wide angle spots which don’t cast shadows would probably work. Or a low energy hemi.
in the morning here the light is pretty simaler to in my picture. i guss this is becose of the direction the window is pointing?. ill make the main light more red;) takes a hower to render:(
blender internal always under reds the textures. haft to increase the red in the textures to make them look ok. why dus it do this?
If you’re getting indirect sunlight bouncing off a wall, or the sun is lighting up a drapery over the window, you’d get the light fall-off effect, but you wouldn’t have such sharp shadows from the chair legs.
That’s just the way reds are. These cubes are all 0.500 of their color. Green just looks brighter, red and blue are similar, but red is a little darker. If you squint until the color disappears into the background, red will disappear first, followed by blue, then green.
Well done.:yes: Tremendous improvement over the first image you posted in this thread. Lighting is still a problem, but you’re working on it. You are adding furniture, but I think the thing that is missing is not more furniture, but a story. Why is there an image of a living room at 5:30 in the morning, when no one is awake? What is going on? Is there something that would put a bit of history into the room?
By way of example, maybe there’s a little mouse looking over his shoulder as the sunlight falls on him. The story: time to get back home before the cat wakes up. Or there’s something out of place: a bedroom pillow and a crumpled blanket on the floor: somebody had to sleep on the couch.
Its the storytelling aspect of imagery that gets work into the gallery, besides technical excellence, of course.
Well done.:yes: Tremendous improvement over the first image you posted in this thread. Lighting is still a problem, but you’re working on it. You are adding furniture, but I think the thing that is missing is not more furniture, but a story. Why is there an image of a living room at 5:30 in the morning, when no one is awake? What is going on? Is there something that would put a bit of history into the room?
the room is going to be the set for a animation, witch is why i sed that yafray was to slow in the furst post!. but i haven’t got anything more than a very basic script. im trying to make it look as good as posoble before going back to the carictor modaling. everything i have dun so far is for this animation
becose fred is 1,000,000,000 yers old. and my emagenation isent good enugh to think of what a 1 billion year old could look like!. and i would need someone to do the voice acting.
the whole story is curently lacking any bacground plots, witch is probaly why its quite boring to reed.