Living Room

My latest piece.
I think it’s my best work so far, but of course everyone has a blind spot for their own work.

Criticism is welcome :slight_smile:


Things, that are really good in this scene:

  • style of the models, coherent modern look
  • color palette
  • addition of various small details, which give the room lived-in look

Things, that require some work:

  • lights in this scene - for now, it’s uniformly lit, no discernible light sources, like visible light from outside, no darker corners, “empty” hanging lights without light bulbs or visible emission.

nice work!!

Its really well modelled, the texture are fine except that you could use a bump/increase the bump on the carpet.
I think what needs tweeking is the lighting, its abit flat and doesnt do the rest of the image justice. Are you using a lightsource outside the windows? Maybe give the lamps visible light cones…Experiment, dont be afraid to turn up the lights.

Thanks all for the feedback.
Messed around with the lighting. Not sure I’m liking any of these.
Also added small detail and imperfections like bits of fluff on the carpet, and dirt and stains on various surfaces. Very subtle effect, especially at the lower resolution.