Living room

I took a brake from my Dai-katana for a while yesterday, and to my surprise this thing took off.

Rendered in blender, using entirely buff. shadow lamps. Fiber script used for the plant in the corner. Ray tracing used for the reflectie stuff. The couch and chairs use SDS. Unified renderer was used so I could have a white “world” and a halo lamp. Post processing was done in gimp 2.0 pre1, the render looked very ncie before hand, but better after it was gimped. I used a blurred layer (5 pixels) above the background, this layer was set to “grain extract”, opacity was set to 45. I duplicated that layer, set it to lighten only, and set the opacity to 90.

I hope you guys like it, CnC is very welcome, though I may not follow up because I’m going to work on my daikatana. This was really just a brake from the katana.

EDIT: the render shown here has no post processing done in gimp. It is a render straight from blender. (I did add my sig and the name of the piece in gimp though)


And yes that is the blender 2.0 manual on the table.

And yes that is a photo from mars on the wall.

And yes the pillows were deformed using armatures.

Looks real nice :smiley: except maybe just a tad to bright.

It’s pretty neath design (I like your design)
But your pictures tend to be a bit too soft-tone-like…like
everyone is in heaven where everything is “halo and more halo” :slight_smile:

I want to see sharpness & depths in your images.

Keep rocki’n

That look wouldn’t be there is blender’s AA was better. I have to either render at extreme resolutions, or do some fancy post processing to get that to go away.

I’m trying the guassian filter AA rendering in blender now, then we’ll do some post processing to get some over exposure look, without the blur on the second and thrid layers.

edit: I forgot I’m using to unified renderer, I can just use the “post-process” buttons to add some multplication to the scene. Not as fine tuned as gimp, but it’s nice.

This turned out very well indeed. Good job.


can you kinda share your scene?

i have difficulties with the cam and world size steup and your scene looks quit good. so i am only interested in the relation between your cam and world settings. and empty scene with this would be fine in case you are willing to share?


I’ve got to learn to do reflections too :stuck_out_tongue:

I just wanna try out some paradoxal multi mirror situations :slight_smile:

I’d love to, I’ll get a scene ready. I’ll take out most of the models, and since the floor texture is massive I’ll replace it with a smaller one.

You may need to append scene 1 into a fresh .blend. My UI is setup for multiple screens, so it will look goofy on a single screen.

To append just hit Shift+F1, sigle left click the .blend you want, then single left click “scenes” in the .blend, then middle click the scene you want in the resulting list of scenes.

The scene you want is number 1.

a 300kb zip file is here.

BTW-the textures were found a 3d cafe, so I think you can use them however you like. I edited a couple of them so that they would be seamless.


HEY, IS THAT A PICTURE OF MARS!?! :stuck_out_tongue:

ehm look above STUPID :<

btw, is that the blender manual on the table?? :stuck_out_tongue:


nice render! i like the outside lightning



Well? Don’t keep us in suspense! Is that the Blender manual on the table?

Ahem. (It’s a joke, in case you don’t get it…)

Very nice, goodjob!


sweet thankx

holy cow is the raytracer slow…

thankx for the scene now i can compare the settings with my one
