living room

Fireplace finally finished after 2.5 weeks, yay :yes: . ive put into the living room with my other modals.
There will be a stone thingy under the fire filling up the gaps, what’s this called?

ive fixed the moldy walls in my outher thred

c&c appreciated


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I like the furniture a lot they are very well done :yes:, and same with the fire place, but what is with the white part at the bottom of the fire place and a little at the bottom of the wall next to the fire place. Did the UV map get cut off? Also the T.V. in the corner on the first image is a little crooked. Plus it is still a little dark, or do you plan to add flames to the fire later:confused:?
Keep up the good job :smiley: !

im thinking of adding flames wen i lern how to! the fireplace i modaled it of is quite un reflective. the white bit is a hole in the mesh. im going to ad one of those stone things that stops the carpet getting burnt, i sed this in the furst post. carnt rember what its called. il try lightaning the fire abit. or is the hole image dark?
all the details on the fire are modald.

Ha, its called a hearth.

Not bad, but it needs some light, so get to work on that hearth and fire!


mabie my monotor is setup wrong. the image looks about the right brightness to me. im trying to get a erly morning sun just starting to rise look.
think it should be tinted slightly orange