
Thank you.
i use blender/3D-software since 9 -10 months.

I love the lighting and the curtains a lot!

Lovely and professional looking scene! Very warm feeling. What were your camera settings - focal length and sensor size?

how do you guys do this?..its really mind blowing to me…new to this program and this is what i see

Really nice interior, I especially like the sofa fabric, it looks just right.

Ouww! :DNicely done Sir.

Thank you, sensor size was 35 mm and focal length 36 mm.

There is rlly nothing special, i just watched all tutorials that i can find. I use blender now since 9 moth.

@ colkai

the muslim

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Awesome how much samples did you put in is it 10000 or less or more

3000 Samples

What kinda books are on shelf nice work and i don’t know if is just me but in first photo light the black part i see noise is it just texture or is not enough of Samples

A very well done render, very very well made Sofa along with the Carpet and the bookshelf, very impressive results without even using PBR materials(Too realistic maybe ?).

Wow! You should post this on a photography website and see if anyone notices!

Why would you do that. Are 12 years old?