lmb click behaviour

dear people,
in blender 2.49b, i was able to click on the manipulator handles (in both object mode and edit mode) once to make the handles “stick” to the mouse pointer/cursor. after that i was able to move the selection (vertex, edge, face or object) without keeping the LMB pressed.

i felt this was very convenient.

i am unable to do this in versions after blender 2.49b.

is there a way to get this behavior back in blender 2.69/2.70?
thanks in advance.

I can’t help with that, I rarely use the manipulator in fact. I had to re-open my 2.49 to discover the difference.

Here is a thread talking about the manipulator that could be of interest to you:

You can do that. Go to User Preferences / Input and search for 3d manipulator , expand the 3d view option and change from Press to Release.
By doing that you’ll change the 3d cursor location everytime you click on the manipulator axes.
Cool thing is to change from Left click to Move so everytime you hover above one of the axis it will move it, if you do this you have to lower the manipulator’s hot spot to reduce accidental movement.


thanks a lot ramboblender, i now have it like in 2.4x.
thanks a lot!