Load Multiple Texture Channels at Once - Addon Request

Sorry if this if the wrong place to post.

Is there an addon that exists to allow loading a directory of textures (diff, bump, glossy…etc.) at once? If not would it be hard to create, for someone that writes addons of course? (not me) It would seem to me to be a very valuable and time saving utility.


You can use the Import BrushSet addon to import a folder of textures http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Import-Export/BrushSet

@Ricahard I think comeinandburn is looking more for automatic texture loading into the appropriate texture slots.
Like texture_D.png goes to diffuse
Texture_N.png goes to normal
and so on.

@comeinandburn I think I saw something being worked on that would be on the blender market.
this https://cgcookiemarkets.com/all-products/automaps-texture-group-manager-addon/ might be kind of what you want.

@marf, yes you’re correct, that’s what I was interested in. Thanks for the link, I saw this add-on in the past but didn’t investigate what it was for.