loading avi movies?

I cannot find imformation on movie formats supported by blender.

I want to texture map a movie on some polygons. I have done this before using windows2000. But now I use linux and it no longer works. Blender does not like my avi’s.

I use Kino to capture and export the video. My export options are: avi type1, avi type2, raw dv,quick time dv. when I try to load the movie blender reports “not a movie” I have transcode to convert formats but it does not work properly.

Thanks for any advice!

hmm i’m not sure how to get rid of the ‘not a movie’ error, but if you can use an external application to split the movie into seperate frames then you can use that.

just split all the frames into seperate images anmd then in blender select teh first image (all the images should be in the samw folder). then you don’t even have to press the movie button, it automatically sets the correc timage according to the frame.

not a solution, but a workaround.

good luck!


It is probably a codec problem. I have used the avi-mjpeg codec for movies used as textures. Blender now supports other codecs like DivX. Check what codec was used to compress the avi files and make sure Blender supports them and they are installed on your PC (don’t know how this is done in Linux). Good luck.

blender in linux (and bsd) only supports the following codecs

avi jpeg
avi raw


in windows blender uses the avi codecs you have installed. There is not equlivant standard in linux, hence the limited support

Thanks for the advice.
d52477001: I got directories of images working!

I suppose I could render the images in blender to an avi. But for now I want the highest quality possible. So, a directory of uncompressed TGAs will work great.

I spoke too soon.
I can load the direcotry images in the sequence editor. But how do you load them as an animated texture???

Now that you have you images in the ‘swquencer’,
go to ‘Display Buttons’
click ‘Do Sequence’
select ‘AVI Raw’ or ‘AVI Jpeg’
hit the ‘ANIM’ button
and you’ve made a movie you can use as a texture.