Loading Video Sequence (PNGs)

Am trying to load a Video Sequence of PNGs using the Node Editor.

In the node editor I set a video node, and then select Image Sequence in the little window. Then I click the folder icon, and I navigate to the directory where all the PNGs are. I also set the number of frames.

At this point, I have tried two things: 1.) just setting to folder, and then 2.) setting all the images by holding down the shift key and LMB clicking each desired image in order.

#1 does nothing.

#2 Loads only one of the images, which is used throughout the render.

Can anyone please recommend a way to load better? I am using 2.59.

Thank you!


Don’t use nodes use the video and sequence editor

Well, I got it to work in the VSE, but now how do I get the sequence into the node editor?

The sequence is greenscreened, and I am actually trying to composite the sequence using a chroma key.

Everything is setup okay, but I just need to get the sequence as input now.

in node editor you must also enable the “auto refresh” so when you scrub the timeline, it’s update what frame it’s on. it’s sometimes nice to turn it of if you’re doing some really heavy comp effects.

but it’s a small checkbox in the Image Input node.