
Hi everyone, long time no blend. It’s been a busy spring, but I could finally arrange enough time to make into reality this little image that’s been whispering to me inside my head for a while.
Hair and smoke/fire painted in Gimp, everything else pure Blender. Crits appreciated, although I can’t really change the model itself anymore.

Small update, color correction and whatnot.


That picture reminds me of something… Oh yeah. :slight_smile:


That chain must of taken forever :open_mouth: Over all nice pic thou.

Phantastic image and models. Please, work a little on the textures, and then do some better lighting with more contrast and seperation of the different distance layers. This image could be so great, you even could post it on cgtalk!

The chain was a no sweat using the tutorial in the new Blender manual. :wink:

Thanks for the comments. I’ll keep on molesting this thing in photoshop/gimp, consentrating on texture details and lighting. Can’t unfortunatelly do any major changes, since I would have to do all the painting work all over again, but other than that, I’m open for all suggestions.

Hey not bad, I agree with mr bomb though, that chain must have taken a while. What exactly did the tutorial say? I would like to do that. I want to buy the manual but Borders still says that it hasn’t yet been published. :-? :frowning: Cool pic anyway.

The chain is basically a single link parented to a path with dupliframes(?) activated and a IPO-curve that twists it around 90 degrees between every link(frame). A bit of haxoring with various settings and it looks like a genuine article, took only about a half an hour to complete. I can’t remember all the buttons that had to be activated right now, but there’s no way I could have done it without the manual; that thing is worth it’s weight in gold to me, and it is rather heavy…

Wish you were here? What is that the cover of the Pink Floyd album or something?

hey sorry i asked. I have no idea what u were talking about. :expressionless: (boy do i feel like a noob) I dont know what parenting and IPO curves are. lol :frowning:

the ciggaret looks funny :-?


I really like the small details you added, like on the gun.

i agree though, the cigar looks a little funny.

Wow, funny… I thought I was the only one who read that comic :stuck_out_tongue:

Good work!