I need to get the local axis of a propeller to line up with the global axis. How do I do this?
with the object selected, i thinkt you just press N and in the RotXY fields just set them back to 0,0,0.
Thank you.
I had no idea what to search for on Google.
EDIT: Wait, now the propeller is rotated in weird directions.
When I click the Axis button in the Object panel, the axis are facing in different directions than the global axis. When I did what you said, it aligned the local axis with the global, but rotated the propeller too. Is there a way I can edit just the axis so they line up?
You’re welcome! Have a great weekend flying around in your airplane! (or floating your boat, whichever kind of propeller you are working with).
Dang, I was hoping I could edit fast enough…
Wait, now the propeller is rotated in weird directions.
When I click the Axis button in the Object panel, the axis are facing in different directions than the global axis. When I did what you said, it aligned the local axis with the global, but rotated the propeller too. Is there a way I can edit just the axis so they line up?
It is a model of the Hindenburg.
Ah, yes, the vertices are off. In object mode, set roation to 0,0,0. It will be sick twisted. Tab into edit mode, select all verts, and rotate them around in top/side/front view until they look good. then everything is good. Try to remember to only do rotations in object mode, because that is what object IPOs work on - the whole object.
Okay, thank you again. I will try to remember to do that…
EDIT: Alright, it worked great. They were all linked, luckily, so I only had to fix the rotation in edit mode once.