LocRot Keys unable to be removed?

In testing an animation, I had selected objects, and added LocRot keys on different frames, which at the time worked fine. Unfortunately, I’m now running into problems in that I cannot delete these keys… They don’t show up in the Action Editor.
When working now, each frame I edited has a different but invisible key, making it nearly impossible to create a smooth animation.

Is there any way I can completely reset all animation?
I need to start over, but it appears that even Appending the mesh into a new file carries the animation with it…

Please help!
I can post the .blend if necessary, though I’d need to find a host…

the keyframes you inserted should be under theIPO window, not action. Just delete the key points from there. ‘A key’, then ‘X’

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Spot on!
Thanks so much, you’ve saved my project. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v483/sago/Pics/Emoticons/big_smile.gif

actions window is only for amatures and poses. If you are just doing simple rot/loc/scale, it will always be in the IPO window. :smiley:

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