I mean no offense. Just the other day I argued with a professional about the same thing.
No problem, of course I totally agree with you : perhaps we don’t have to follow the trend but to do the trend!
Yes there are so many options for people in a scene, so I understand.
The great thing about creating in 3D is we can change things at any time (unless it’s a client and they really want something in there).
Just curious, how long have you been into Blender/3D?
Good question. I started 3D with SKETCHUP in ??? 2016. To help a friend in a shipping container project. But SKETCHUP was to limited. So i decided to learn a “big” 3D software. And then, by chance i discovered BLENDER. In december 2017. 2.79 version
Sounds familiar – I learned Sketchup just enough to do a tiny home layout. It’s good for quick layouts for me, but I wanted to see what a real 3D program was like.
Hello @mikedub In my opinion, sketchup was too limited for the curves shapes. But when I discovered BLENDER, what a surprise to find much more than a great tool: the open-source spirit! I think the open-source culture is the best thing the web has produced and I find that BLENDER is an ambassador of this spirit.
BLENDERARTISTS.ORG and all the stuffs linked to @bartv are in this mindstate and I am really proud to be part of it (even if I would like to come here more often!!!)
I haven’t used sketchup for curve stuff – only for quick builder/architect type things. Yep, Blender is a whole different world (one which I like much better!) but I’m still learning… The only thing about Sketchup that I can’t do yet in Blender is how it lets me do quick automatic snapping of pieces together (without changing any settings)… I know I can do same things – I guess maybe I’m still just learning and not fully used to the feel of Blender quite yet… But I’m forging ahead.
Side note: the snapping in Blender is wonky for me sometimes. Sometimes the edge snap doesn’t work – it snaps to wrong edge, even though I’m zoomed in the viewport to only a few edges. Maybe I’m overlooking a setting, but anywhoo, I’ll look into it on the correct help area soon…
Congratulations, this work has been nominated for the ‘Best of Blender Artists 2022’ award in the #interiorarchitecture category! You can vote for it here.
Thanks a lot. I had some health problems and I had not seen your message. I am very honored