
Hello everyone, once again I have a new cartoon type character for my next WIP his name is Logan. Over the last few months I have started quite a few projects but never really finished them, mainly because I wasnt sure where I was going with the project when I started it. This time I know exactly what I want to do. I want to create a character rig and all to learn and practice animation. My goal with this guy is to first finish the character then rig him. Next I am going to lay out many different animations for him. If all goes well I may at that point put together an animation. Any way here is what I have so far. The face is not finished still need tweeked, eyebrows, theeth, and I need to finish the hair. C&C always welcome. Thx Mux

Sorry for the double post, but here is what I have so far if anyone is following.

nice job so far!

one crit, the big crease below the eyes is a bit too much.

I agree with trak wrecka; the crease under the eyes, as well the shaping of the jawline, give him an almost ape-ish look, IMHO.

Still better than I’m capable of! Good work!

Thanks for the replies guys. I agree with both of you the crease was a little too sharp under the eyes and I have thought from the begining that this character kind of looked “ape like” but wasnt really sure what to change. I went back and eased the crease a little for the eyes. I also tried to give a little more definition to the jaw. I also lowered and rotated the nose just a tad. Your comments always help me see things that I dont see. Here is a revised update, does it look any better? Thanks again Mux.

That does look much better than the first model. Only issue I have now is the chin seems to jut out a bit too much, though I can’t really tell what the source of that jutting is. Although, that might’ve been your desired affect, since he is a cartoon character.

Only other real crit at this point is that his eyes look a little too sunken in, though it’s more noticeable in the front view shot. It sorta gives the effect of fatigue, like he just pulled an all-nighter or something. Which is fine, if that’s what you wanted, but if you didn’t, well then fix it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Again, good work - I especially like the way the nose is modeled, very creative, and yet believable at the same time.

Here is my next update. Not really sure if I like the shorts or not yet I may try to redo them. Anyway Almost finished with the model need shoes then I will start to add color and rig stage.

Ok So here is the deal. After a few days of working on this guy I have become very discouraged in the fact that he is riggable. At least for me to be able to do so. So even though I enjoyed working on this guy I am going to call him finished at this point. I guess at least I can say I learned a few things on the way.

How do you feel about releasing the blend…

I wouldn’t mind taking a stab at rigging him, mind you I’m no expert by any stretch of the imagination, but always looking for practice with a decent looking model.

Personally, I don’t mind just releasing my own personal stuff into the wild, however I’d be happy to respect any license/wishes you have.

Lemme know.

Very nice!