Login by username doesn't work

Login by username doesn’t work for me. Every time I try it, I’ve got the info “Incorrect username, email or password” - and I’m 100% sure that I’ve given the correct username and password. I can log with my e-mail, though. Is it possible, that there’s some security issue?
Because now I’m not sure, if my account’s been hacked.

BTW - I did e-mail the Admin few days ago - no response so far. Got worried and changed all my passwords

I’m not aware of any issues with usernames. Where did you send that email? I didn’t receive anything.

12 September, around 20:00 CET, used this e-mail address: [email protected].
That was the only way of obtaining some info without login on BA site.

That is the correct address, but I didn’t get your email.

Should I switch to my another e- mail address to use it here? Because something is obviously wrong with the old one - got confirmation that my e-mail was sent, and this worries me even more.

Yes, e-mail me The required information

OK. Sent from another e-mail address.

Got it. I’ll update it tomorrow, away from computer now.