Hello everyone! This is a render I finished today, I was a bit out of practice on Blender so I tried to recreate an image I had saved to see how it turned out. There’s more info on my ArtStation
It was rendered with Cycles, at 1500 samples (probably overkill, but I was gonna give it a night’s render anyway) and the render time is 8 hours flat.
I’d love to get some honest feedback on this work, so tell me what you think!
(The attachment below is just so I can get a thumbnail in the forums. Click the pic above for fullsize)
Thank you! I’ll take these in mind for future renders.
Regarding the bump on the walls I actually looked into it but it just looked like noise on my preview renders, probably because they were small and with low samples. I’ll remember to do some big test renders from now on, they could really be useful.
And regarding the chromatic aberration I agree with you, I tried to go for the cheap digital camera look but I might have overdone it with the lens distortion node. Looks weird specially on the carpet, IMO.
Again, thanks for the feedback, and I’m really glad you liked the scene!
I agree with ShadowCamero about 3. and especially 4., too noticeable on the top left door frame. Also, the dispersion (I think) effect is too strong in the corners. But what a great image. Really nice, thanks for sharing