Loneliness: Muffleburger Bear

Hello, Blender Community! Today, I am showing you a project I started on Wednesday. It is a series of images about a lonely old bear named Muffleburger. Here is what I have so far.
First Test: Happy Fluffy Bear

Second Test: Smirker Bear

Third Test: Sad Ripped Bear

Fourth Test: Corner Sitter

Fifth Test:In the Sewer

Composited Version

Whad’ya think? Any critiques? Feel free to tell me anything!

well its a very very sad little bear… definitely dont put him in the sewer. i like the second render most, but you should make it a HAPPY BEAR! :slight_smile:

I’ll try! Or a could do like a little story where at the end he is happy again! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! How does that sound?