Hi ! Tried to make a stylized 3D portrait of this French Youtuber (Mathieu Sommet) :
Waiting for your feedback, and hope you enjoy !
Hi ! Tried to make a stylized 3D portrait of this French Youtuber (Mathieu Sommet) :
Waiting for your feedback, and hope you enjoy !
Wow, thanks !
It is a little rough maybe but a very good likeness. I am impressed! Thank you!
It look very much like him… good job
Congrats! great job.
When I saw the picture on the “featured” feed, I was pretty sure of knowing that guy.
Well done, french fellow citizen ?
No exactly french, but very much acquainted to it’s culture
And thanks again everyone !
One day I’ll be doing pieces like this! Absolutely awesome!
Tu as un peu trop forcé ses rides et reliefs faciaux, il faut plus vieux.
Bien fait pour lui, fallait pas faire le moine.