Look at my computer

I got bored one night, so I modeled my computer for pratice. I’m thinking about modeling my whole desk area (except for the mess of course). What do you think?


Nice so far.
Gateway huh? Cool.
What’s gonna go on the screen?

I think it’s a cool idea.
Actually a little mess might add more character to the piece IMO.
You might have your work materials spread out on the desk, a cup of coffee, CDs, desktoy, half eaten sandwich, anything you want.

By the mess I MEAN A MESS, lol. My desk is really messy, nothing is truly organized. It is just kinda stuff this here, and that there.

And I’m not going to even try to model the 4 porcelain dolls that sit on the top shelf of my desk. I will probly do one of the cd stands, the modem, and the speakers, maybe some other stuff too. Yeah I have a gateway, next month it will be 3 years old :-?

Are we talking “Shoe” here? :slight_smile:

That’s ok, you should see mine.

Hey there’s an idea for a topic.
“Who’s got the messiest desk?”
Vote for your favorite.

There was a thread on the old blender.nl site in which everyone posted images of their workspace. It’s probably about time to do that here at elysiun! :smiley:

the lighting and materials could use a lot of work, and it looks to me as if the keys are lacking some bevel.

Good start.

I just added a light so it would render, and the materials are just basic. Once I have the rest modeled I will work on the lighting and the textures. I was mainly working on the modeling. I’m not sure what I’m going to put on the screen, maybe just a screenshot of my desktop.

That’s it!! Now I know what’s wrong!.. The tops of all desktop kb keys I have ever seen are slightly concave, and those are flat… A slight cup to each would vastly improve realism…

Other than that, great work so far! Keep us updated :slight_smile:

here is a shot of the keyboard. it still isn’t beveled, I’m adding the letters and stuff.
