Where can i find loop bevel, or circle loop split where you can change the splitting orientation, other compatible 2.72 modeling addons would also be useful, the regular bevel and inset do not have options for orientation, and i don’t know if the old addons work in the new version.
Here is a link to the AddOns pages.
You should just test the ones you need to use and see if they work for you. The officially supported AddOns should be bug free and work in 2.72.
Thank you, however many of the ones i thought i wanted was not compatible with the new blender, is there any add on packs aimed at modeling like solids and cad like modeling with different types of bevel, shamfer fillets and boleans, as many up to date tools as possible would be great, i am also willing to use a older version if there exist a big pack for the last version of blender, but up to date is ofcourse the best for the future.
Have you checked out Blendswap?
Here are a couple links to base moulding profiles.
What are the names of the AddOns that you are trying to use with 2.72 that do not work?
Those links seems useful
Thanks for you help but i am very confused, i was looking for the round bevel addon but the forum download link was dead, another example of a dead addon:
Maybe many of these are already added in the new version but why are they then in the database, and why is there no addon wiki for 2.7, and as far as i know that python scripts are version bound right ?
Ok firstly is this only for 2.6 right or not, many go as far back as 2.5 or older.
And here they seem to be more up to date but then do not have any wiki page or explanation what they do, plus they are not packed so it appears to be much more experimental stuff not intended for use by regular users ?
And if you don’t use Linux you cant add repositories for example.
With some exceptions - win only, involving custom dll’s - here on forum, all addons are python based, that is plain text files. No need for Linux to download and use them. Yes, some might be buggy and some will get some bugs due to future changes; that wont kill PC though and hopefully they will get fixed sooner or later.
BAC addons are available as a pack if you download blender from builder.blender.org. They appear under Testing category mostly.
Inset-Extrude addon is obsolete - functionality is included in blender itself as i get it. Page doesn’t reflect that, true.
If you’re looking for a news and functionality i’d recommend this site http://blenderaddonlist.blogspot.fr/
Thank you eppo, as i suspected then.