We are actually in looks for a 3D Designer and Animator with humor sense and that feels excited with the project.
The project is still in barebones, it is original and is something mobile games need to provide something fresh to the platform.
We already have the sketches and color base of what the characters will be, the game will be showcased at its minimum to gather funds and help the project grow.
If you have any question please let me know, I’ll be more than happy to reply all of your questions, this is serius proyect =)
Oh yes! I am eager to work on a game that is on planning stage and i know nothing about with a new forum member that can’t spell “a serious project”!
OK. Sarcasm out of the way, it would be nice if you provided more information and some concept art about your “serius proyect” that you are trying to get people to work on for free.
This short rant is LITERALLY longer than your post requesting people to spend time and effort on your “still in barebones” project wich they know nothing about. How could someone be “excited with the project” if they dont have any way to get information about it?
At least have the decency to write proper english and provide information about your “original” mobile game that will “provide something fresh to the platform”.
I completely agree with Sebastian. It’s understandable if English isn’t your first language (I speak other languages - I know the pain) but it makes a big difference if you’d change it.
Actually, we are making a 3D Fighting Game with a 3rd Person camera, the whole idea is to showcase the game barebones at the Kickstarter to get us more financing. Even though it’s a fighting game, it’s not a skill demanding game, it has much more emphasis in fun, silly kills, clowny sounds, as well as silly items like a black holeand and more.
Actually, we are making a 3D Fighting Game with a 3rd Person camera, the whole idea is to showcase the game barebones at the Kickstarter to get us more financing. Even though it’s a fighting game, it’s not a skill demanding game, it has much more emphasis in fun, silly kills, clowny sounds, as well as silly items like a black holeand and more.