Looking For A 3D Image Desiger

I am currently making an MMorpg and i need help. I’m not very gifted at using blender so i am hirnign someone to make images for me. If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected] with the subject title Interested and i’ll give you more details on the job, but for now here is my general information:

Theme: Medieval Fantasy

How it works: Its A general MMORPG that is downloaded for play. The graphics are much to that of world of warcraft.

Pay: Anyone that works for the game gets free play in the game instantly, thats when it is released. And as for pay, that is very nagotionable. I would really rather have that information told in an email. I would rather pay by the release of the game. It is not yet released and may not be for a little while, but 20% of the cash made from each month out of peoples member ship income goes into the payment of the anyone on the graphics team. Also, i just figured i might add, i dont pay first! i need to know that you did the job that i asked for and that you have done it to how i want it. Also for now, because i am just starting, all payment is through paypal. I refuse to give out my back account info for direct bank transfers

Existing Work: So far the only work done is the map layout. I had to use a tool to do this that came with the engine i had purchased.

Needed Image: Right now i really need characters made, was well as monsters and town peices, such as buildings and other items.

Quality: As for quality, I would really rather have high poly, the main base of the system is high poly, and i dont want a high ploy surrounding and low ploy characters and monsters.

Timescale: This job will run as long as it takes. This game is just my first project and is no where near goign to be my last, currently i an trying to get $20,000 to buy software taht makes PS3 console games, so if you looking for a job that pays you well upon the release of the game.

Website: Well first off the game is called Divine Shadows, and you can find its main website here: http://www.divineshadowsonline.com, but thats just the game website. The company’s name is Shining Ashes and it’s website is here: http://www.shiningashes.net. Please keep in mind that the shining ashes website’s template is temp and was just put up for code testing, and both sites are still under construction.

Credit: Any and all work done will be posted on a page of whom worked on the game.

Number Of Positions Open: I am only looking for about 2 image makers. I feel that it is best to mention, that you are more then likely to be hired if you are willing to stay working with me will the games production is finished.


Also I am graphics designers for Shining Ashes, people taking these positions will get paid on release of the game. For now information about this please email me, i want to keep most of that info private for now.

Do you pay in gold and in advance?

Yes, of course i will pay you. Im thinking 10-15 dollars an image.

Oh, and a cheese burger with extra fries? (per image)

:stuck_out_tongue: So are you interested?

I dunno, lay out some details. What’s it all about? How will transactions be handled, etc…

Umm contact me on my email i dont want to say anything directly here :slight_smile: Thanks

Well, I only accept credit Suisse gold or other bullion. Makes transfers a bit difficult though…

we’ll iron out the details over email

You really should read this thread
before continuing.


LoL! Pixelmass you smartass, Suisse gold, I couldn’t stop laughing. :slight_smile:

You need to post more details if you have any hope of getting a serious response…
People want to know/see

  1. The theme of the game
  2. How it works
  3. If you’re charging for the priviliege of playing the game (and how much)
  4. Existing work on the game
  5. What you need images / animations of
  6. What kind of quality you need
  7. How much you are prepared to pay
  8. Timescales
  9. A website / project page
  10. How they will be credited for their work
    etc etc etc
    This thread will probably get locked quite soon so I recommend you edit your firsy post with this and any additional info before asking for help

PS 10-15 dollars may be sufficient per image, but don’t expect anything amazing for that.
3d takes a lot of time and if you work out an hourly rate 10-15 dollars isn’t that much really.
Finally, is 3d actually neccessary for this?
If you’re only after stills of weapons, characters etc then 2d generally takes less time and as such will cost you less

Best of luck

A heck of a lot of people think they could do a MMORPG. A heck of a lot of people also do not understand any of the difficulties or complexities involved in making such a game.

Are you at least a programmer of some sort? If you think you can just be a ‘designer’, you’d better have some damned good design docs for people to look at, or you immediately lose any chance of help you had to start with. Game design can take a lot of work, even if you’re making everything almost completely cliché.

And coding a complete 3d game is also a lot of work, and takes quite a bit of time, without any networking stuff. And if you’re doing a MMO, there’ll be a lot of networking stuff to do.

Yeah, this is all probably a waste of time for various reasons, and badly executed/articulated… but, hey, it’s late at night and I’ve not been getting enough sleep recently, so why not? :stuck_out_tongue:


man i just love ppl that dont know what they are talking about.

kinda reminds me of my last client that wanted to start a robotics company that produces robots from “Minority Report” <.<

in case you wonder, yes he didnt pay for the animation i did yet (didnt get the animation either).

Thanks for the general idea for what peope, wnat to know lordcopper, i’m new to all of this. Foir informatuion of what i want, please read tye first post for i have edit it,

Needed Image: Right now i really need characters made, was well as monsters and town peices, such as buildings and other items.

What kind of characters? What kind of monsters?

all payment is through paypal

Would you consideregold instead of paypal?

I don’t play online games, so could I get cheeseburgers and fries instead?


dog – your ‘shining ashes’ website is almost a year old, and still says “site description here” and “Lorem Ipsum Dolor Volutpat” everywhere else. dog – On the ‘divine shadows’ website there’s nothing but three thumbnail screenshots of a single character standing with scenery in the background, and an empty forum. You promiss over 300 quests for people who sign up. dog — You’re going to write 300 quests and dream up over 600 types of monsters, yet you can’t think up things to replace the lorem ipsum dolor volutpat crap, or maybe sign up a couple of sock puppets to post something in the forum? dog – how much did that game maker software cost you, anyway? Maybe free? dog – you can’t even spell. dog – nobody here is going to believe you’ve got what it takes to get anywhere with this. dog – you’ve got nothing – nothing. Nothing at all.

@pixelmass: he wants heroic, beautiful, fantasy characters, of course. he wants terrifying, blood curdling evil monsters, of course. He wants them to be like World of Warcraft, only different, of course. he wants the world, the sun, the moon, kingdoms in the air, and money rolling in every week for doing nothing but owning the website that hordes of kids come to to pay to play every day! and except for designing one map layout using a tool that came with his cheesy game maker software, and signing up for two free websites, he wants you to do it all for him, and when the money starts rolling in, he will magnanimously give you 20 cents on the dollar. Because you’re worth it. $10 to $15 per drawing? Matte? Concept? Character? Model? Animation? Rig? Who knows? he surely doesn’t. :no:

What is it about BlenderArtists that attracts this kind of nonsense? :spin:

@ Orinoco,
Perhaps he wants something like this, fully rigged and ready to go. Sheesh, as wimpy says,
“I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”. :slight_smile:
Sorry blender folks, that was done in daz, it took about an hour and I am sure it shows! I don’t use the program any more. It’s like playing with Barbie dolls…(Oh the humanity!)


why is every free game a come across has to be an MMORPG? Rappelz, Planeshift, Ogre Island, Furcadia… and now this
i don’t mean to put you down, but this type of games fails so bad in my opinion and we had enough free games of this type… why doesn’t someone come up with a free game that’s actually playable?

I wonder what kind of file format he wants?