looking for a flag/water waving script? *script found

I’ve looked around and there was a thread exactly like this one but the link to the script was broken. So what I’m asking is, does anyone still have, or know where to find that script or anything similar to it?

There you go… Mesh Wave File

Wow! that was fast, thanks a lot James:D

No problem mate, it’s what I do (Or try atleast…) :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Or some shader solution? Here is a version of SaphireS
, i myself published another try on that

Other solutions are possible and likely. For example compare the shaders and optimize flag movement. I think it still does not look “real”:frowning:

is a way to controle vertex ? where can I find some doc ? it’s a little bit off topic but I was wondering how this script was working

Is there any way to make it so that when it turns, it dynamically sways in another direction?

Is there any way to make it so that when it turns, it dynamically sways in another direction?

Yes. If you have some time left to turn it into BGE GLSL: Example with Sourcecode:

Should help in some way. At least its nice to look at.

lol, I’m not a big coder, but thanks anyway.