Looking for a help on making an object translucent .


I am looking for a help on making an object translucent that

  1. Changes the color of light such as when light passes through a stained glass window.

  2. While passing thropugh the glass, the glass glows.

Like a Tiffany lamp shade.

For the first question, look there: http://www.stormpages.com/eeshlo/otherBlender.html

For the second… uhm… I’m not sure.


For the second one, off the top of my head I’d say use EMIT in the material menu applied to the piece of glass. Not sure, that may just be a quick fix, but it should work alright. I don’t know how well this works with translucent materials though, as I haven’t tried it (…yet…)

For 2nd I’d use a halo material


Thnak you for your help.

I’ll give it a try.