Looking for blender artist that can video tutorials (will pay)

As the title says im looking for blender help, will pay.
Am around intermediate level.

Might be a stupid reply from me tho but have you tried CrossMind Studio on Youtube?
That dude gave my blender experience a whole new level :slight_smile:
But then again, I am fairly new at this so might be too easy for you?

I know some blender just need help doing my characters and animating them.

Hey, I taught blender at a college for 3 years. Might be able to help you out. Along with rigging the characters, is there anything specific you’d like to learn about creating a character? Just want to know more or less what level you’re at.

Yes I am lower intermediate.
I have 2 characters i made but i need help making the rest rigging and animating.
what are your rates?