looking for conformation

i would just like conformation that there is absolutely no way to make object-to-Bone parent work in GE.

Hi matt - I don’t know about that. But, why do you want object to bone parent?

This is not at all an official confirmation, but at least this didn’t work for me.
I wanted to parent a sword to the hand bone of my character’s armature, but it didn’t move in GE. I just ended parenting it to the armature and make it all in the hand’s vertex group.

you can parent to individual vertices which is more precise than a bone I beleive =p

I’m working a robotic model which only works properly when it is Armatured (i tried to animate each object separately, but his one leg flailed wildly). I need my camera and specific firing objects central locations to stay at the right spots and move with the swaying of the uper torso. Putting in their own ipo’s cause the objects to move at a faster rate than the armature and look exrememly weird, but if i could parent them to indivudal bones and fallow that bones animation, it would work great.