Looking for talented 3d artists and animators to work with!

I’m working on a game project with a couple of other people already but would like to start bringing on some artists to work with me in creating 3D representations of all the Characters and environments we will design. Not only am I looking for 3D artists (especially) I would like to if I can possibly bring some animators onto the team as well. We’ve just recently started off and are planning to release the final product in a bout a year or two from now. Currently we are still writing the script, designing concept art and part of the AI. The Following is the current make up of the team:

Lead Writer


Writing Staff


Game Director


Director of Technology


Lead Sound Designer


Project Manager And Director


Gameplay Design team

Mostly Filled

programming staff

lead programmer- TBA
Co-lead Programmer - Filled

1A. Filled 1B. TBA
2A. Filled 2B. TBA
3A. Filled 3B. TBA

3D Graphic Design Team

  1. Filled
  2. Filled
  3. TBA
  4. TBA

Animation Staff

  1. Filled
  2. TBA
  3. TBA

Art Staff

  1. TBA
  2. Filled
  3. TBA

Sound Staff

  1. Filled
  2. TBA
  3. TBA

Lastly I want to mention that we are not looking to pay anyone on the team anything before the product is released. All payments received by each team member will be strictly based on an even share of the overall profit generated.

If anyone is interested please email me at [email protected] and give me a summary of your goal(s) (in regards to this project and team). If you can try to attach some examples of your work.

Right now we are already working on the project and making assets as we speak for the game. The game itself will be stealth and action combat based. The player must find and eliminate the game’s antagonist. The story is set in a post apocalyptic world and our hero is the one who’s been picked by fate to save humanity from the brink of extinction. More story and game concept details will be revealed to those who make it on out team (which isn’t incredibly hard if you have something to offer).

Were just two weeks into planning and developing this game.

People/talents we really need:

  • One or two people who can do level design and modeling
  • At least one more concept artist
  • Two or three more animators
  • Programmers who are familar with the Csharp programming language

Assets made so far:

Dude, you didn’t say one Word about the Project itself. ó_Ò
I mean, it’s nice to see you already have some People, even though “Designers”, “Directors” and “Managers” sounds quite a lot like some better Words for “People that don’t do anything for the Project and watch the others work instead”, but at least you have got someone responsible for Sounds (and please don’t add too much People to the Department of Makin’ Sounds, Sound should be an individualistic Art Direction, for Games as well). But most People would probably at least want to know what your Game is about, what Genre it’s got, what and whether you already have something to show.


Besides, »Lead Writer« & »Writing Staff« are one and the Same, practically.
»Game Director«, »Project (Manager And) Director« and »Gameplay Design (Team)« are, as well, one and the Same.
»Director of Technology«… what the Heck is that at all supposed to be? Like »Game & Project Director & Gameplay Designer« but with a bit of a Clue of the Engine used (which would imply the Others have no Clue at all then)? Come on, don’t be so cryptic…

There is a good reason why I did not say anything to detail about the project itself since It something I rather reveal to those on the team. All of the roles on the team are specific roles. 3d artists would do strictly the art. I’ll be designing the AI and concept art. Most of the people who I have are doing multiple things so it’s not one of those situation where a few people sit around and let the other few do everything. Everybody would be required to give there best effort.

We are trying right now to get to work on the first character design which is why I posted the thread :slight_smile:

There is a good reason why I did not say anything too detail about the project itself since It’s something I rather reveal to those on the team. All of the roles on the team are specific roles. 3d artists would do strictly the art. I’ll be designing the AI and concept art. Most of the people who I have are doing multiple things so it’s not one of those situation where a few people sit around and let the other few do everything. Everybody would be required to give their best efforts.

We are trying right now to get to work on the first character design which is why I posted the thread

Okay just to give a bit more information about the game, I’ll say this, the game we’ll be working on will be a action/hack n slash game more on the lines of devil may cry. The game is set in a post apocalyptic world and the main protagonist has a mission he must carry out in order to complete the game’s objective.

Okay well for one we’ll be using unity 3 as the game engine. The director of technology is a programmer in charge of making sure the over all code (in C#) is consistent and according to specifications. The programmer would be very experienced. The project manager’s responsibility (this person has multiple position as well) is to ensure that every bit of the project is going as plan The person I got for the project manager has experience in game design on some level and has the professional training as well. The lead sound director is not simply in charge of making sounds but the voice acting, completely original musical score and such (he is also part of the programming and gameplay design team). Now with regards to the 3d artist they would work with me and other artist to design the look of the game.

When i say voice acting I mean live gameplay voice acting

if you’re looking for animators, I’m currently working on my own hack n’ slash project and have done some decent animation. I’d be willing to offer my talents!

>add me too, i am a level designer <no python>
and surely talented in modelling

I don’t know if you’ve been on the internet long but starting a project with community help and NOTHING up front to show them is not a way to attract any wanted attention. A few concept sketches at least would draw some worthy attention, that is if they don’t suck.

Great! Well are you willing to join the team? If so is there anyway we can see what you worked on through a video or a picture of your models?

That’s a great point but this is still in the early stages so I’ll be updating people on what’s going on as things move along. People who are serious enough will join the team officially.

You don’t see too many hack n’ slash concepts in blender, glad to be a part of somethin new :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey just want to say if this is happening are you able to show progress work not full product just examples on what your theme is, game about maybe sketchs 2D, concept ideas etc. Need more images/descriptions. If its for a company or making money out of it don’t bother with what I have asked. Because of copy right issues and stuff.
But would love to see how this is happening :slight_smile: