Looking for Tutorial Feedback

I would like some serious feedback - what can I do differently/better? Thanks for helping!

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It looks like you watched this blender guru tutorial from 2015 and decided to recreate it but longer and with less explanation. A lot of beginners will have a hard time following what you’re doing since the screen is zoomed out the whole way and you don’t describe your steps at all.

Since the whole scene is gray, and the fog is also gray, it doesnt really look any different before or after adding the fog, it just makes it look washed out.

Additionally because everything is still shades of gray, when you add your exterior light, it doesnt really look like anythings changed either.

The scrolling text at the beginning just saying your name and telling us to like and subscribe just wastes time, about one fifth of the entire video actually.

Since you’re using video, take advantage of the medium and make things more visually engaging, and orate rather than make us read.

Thanks for the feedback! Yes - I basically remade the blender guru video. Unfortunately speaking isn’t really an option as my English is very hard to understand (second language). However, I did try to take some of your comments into account for my next video. If you have the time, could you tell me what you think of the other one on world light color?