Looking for tutorial on

I remember some time ago I saw a youtube video using a velociraptor as an example with a very simple example of a red vertex group around its neck having its own sort of real time looseness or floppyness animation with its own delay that you didn’t have to animate yourself, like how realistic loose skin would act. it just automatically responded to how you moved the bones of am armature, and at the time it wasn’t what I was looking for but I thought it was interesting.

Now, I can’t find that video, even though I can find literally every single other video I remember from around that time.

Maybe i am mistaking but i think you are looking at a bendy bones rig

No it wasn’t bendy bones and the video was released before 2.78, and it specifically used a velociraptor as an example. It had to do with assigning a specific vertex group as the group you wanted to act loose, it didn’t use a bone itself to animate the bendiness.

By the sound of it could’ve been soft body physics. Try searching in that direction.

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Yes indeed with vertex groups for localisation

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It’s a paid plugin for blender. https://blendermarket.com/products/x-muscle-system

Sorry… but that’s not the solution he seems to need.
He just wants flappy things .
This addon seems to be a really big hammer for such a little thing.

Muscle system is good to know about but indeed that isn’t what I am looking for. It’s probably some kind of soft body physics based on a vertex group selection, but what was nice about it is that it had its own intertia built into it without requiring any other modifications of the mesh or armature. I haven’t been able to figure it out in the soft body physics panel so far.

Found it


What it doesn’t seem to address is why my whole mesh falls down a little bit before stopping.

I’m in 2.79 and somehow the weight setting is even less sophisticated in 2.5, it doesn’t seem to have the capacity to even distinguish vertex groups, it always seems to set all vertex weights globally.