Looking for VFX artists for a Fantasy Short Film


I am currently in post production on a high-concept fantasy short film. We are in need of some talented artists to help bring our world to life. The film was shot partially on location and partially in studio against green screen. There’s lots of room for creative input and to flex your skills. Please check out our website to view concept art and reach out any time for more information about our project. Cheers!



Which types of vfx are you looking for?

Honestly we have a whole host of things that need to be done such as: environment design, digital matte paintings, sky replacement, creature animation… we even have a character in the film which is an alien that was a puppet designed by someone who used to work with the Jim henson company. So that character will need eye blinks added… is there an area that you specialize in?

I was just curious, then looked at your production quality in the link you provided. And sadly to say other than amaturish chroma key and roto your quality required is a little beyond my skillset. Thank you for the additional info.

Depends on schedule, I can give help… Where I specialize is physics and simulation, atmospheric things, materials, lighting… Making things photorealistic. I’m more engineer than artist. I solve problems how to make something.

In those concept art images… Some water and simulations thing, matte work.

Hey! That would be cool! Our deadline isn’t until August so we have a lot of time to get through post and make the film the best it can be and we will definitely need help making things more photorealistic. I would love to talk to you more this!

Sure, you can reach me here in blenderartist.org and use private message if needed.

Hey, sorry for the late reply… for some reason I’m not able to send a DM, which is fine. Would you like to take a look at the shots in question that require work? Let me know!


I think the forum blocks new users what they can do but those limitations should go away in couple of days or week if you are active here…

You can reach me also if you send email to my gmail.com address what is identical to my blenderartist.com username written in small caps.

Sorry for the late reply. Are you still looking for people?

Pm sent looking forward to see what I can’t do. :grin::see_no_evil:

Are you still looking? I can help. Sorry for the late reply.


How’s it going? Thank you for the reply. Definitely still looking for help on the film. What kind of work do you do?


I’ll do whatever you need.

We’re definitely in need of rotoscoping and set extension/sky replacement… is that of any interest?

I can do that.

WhoaI That would be amazing… there are two shots in the scene, would be cool? I can send along the shots and a breakdown if you like?

that would be great

Mh … I did not notice this project yet.
Looks interesting.

Hey Leonard! Is there anything that you would like to help out with?