Hello! I’m involved on an open source remake called Fish fillets and I’m looking for new graphic artist and talents to improve the game. The main website can be found here: https://glitchapp.codeberg.page/
It features 2 graphic modes than can be switched on and of at any time (or combined). The backgrounds, foregrounds and objects of the game can be therefore made completely in 3d.
Animations for the characters and underwater fauna or even an intro is also possible and welcome.
If you are interested in the project please do not hesitate to contact me!
Hello, this is a small update about the request above.
Many 2d assets for the game are being created and they can be used as textures for anyone interested in recreating any of the levels and assets in 3d. If anyone is interested in attempting this task please do not hesitate to contact me.
The following pictures are two examples of levels created in 2d:
Please be aware that the resolution of those levels has been reduced before uploading them to keep this post light, but the real resolution of the backgrounds and textures are 4k.
This work is voluntary, however, the best submissions of 3d levels to this project will be added to the game and their authors will be credited in a project that actually have tens of contributors and many graphic artist and digital painters involved or whose art is open and used in the game, and will be exposed to a wide audience.
There are 3 ways in which 3d blender models could be added to the game:
As rendered images added to the backgrounds.
As realtime 3d graphics added to the 3d engine (please check 3d engine requirements for this)
Screenshot with the 3d engine rendering the game’s walls and objects in realtime: