Looking for ways to integrate Khaos into my work, but have some questions

I am currently creating assets that can have an option to be destroyed, I planned carefully, but at the end of the day, I need a sim addon for my blender app that handle destruction like Khaos… so my question is, I want to create the feel of reinforced concrete, so I would naturally model in steel bars into the walls, but i heard overlapping meshes can have a problem, the result may turn out to be all over the place, at least in the case of tyflow for 3dsmax I believe, so I guess the sub-question is, how can I achieve this result, being steel bar in concrete wall? Can Khaos be ok with this sort of sims??

the second question is, I know there is a feature that create explosion, do you think Khaos can be good to create just fire/smoke/explosion without 3d mesh present in the scene, in order words, can it do fire sims??



I think it’s better to ask the addon provider as they’ll know better how it works.

Keep in mind that , unless I’m mistaken, these tools rely on built-in blender feature. They just allows to better streamline blender for these kind of FX, but I don’t think they can bypass a limitation of blender as it’s very likely that they’ll use blender’s smoke simulator and rigid bodies internally.

Do you plan to animate your assets ? If not, maybe you should consider modeling their destroyed counterparts with built-in tools, so you don’t stack layers of complexities right from the start…

Have fun !

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well, I agree with you 100% I am trying to create the best asset possible, but in doing so, the project might bloat to unreasonable size… since there are no predictable outcome to guide the direction… I am just trying to give more option for people who might be using my asset…
the last thing I want is to somehow boolean the wall for the same space the rebar/ steel bar are gonna occupied in, to avoid mesh within mesh situation…

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Well, maybe it’s just possible to create broken concrete pieces and then add some steel bar made from curves that you can tweak to bend them ?
Especially if you (ab)use the new hair system with a bit of geometry nodes.

It’s probably going to look much better rather than hoping that the addon do exactly what you have in mind…