Looks Part 1: Glasses?

It seems to be a rule for me now that I can’t do polls unless they’re useful, so I’m going to say that this is somewhat useful for picturing everyone on here.

Since we’ve had gender and age polls already, here’s my first question:

Do you wear glasses, contacts, or no eyeware?

I wear glasses, but only for far away things… :o

I wear glasses, but only when I want to see :wink:

i wear glasses, but i’m getting contacts soon… i hope…

I wear glasses only when I need to. I have a very weak myopia, so I only wear them when I need to read far things (in class) or at night.

I also wear sunglasses when sailing 8)


Lol, anyone want to disagree with me when I say that staring at a glowing square (computer monitor, for those who didnt…anyways…) can make your eyes go bad?

I have glasses, and i’m supposed to wear them, but i never do. I can see fine without them.


I just went to the optometrists…

My eyesight is 6/11 and at 6/12 they start selling you glasses

so none het, but probably soon…

for you people who still use feet that’s 20/35 and 20/40

Hey, Cube, how come you never tell us where YOU stand on such issues?

Part 1? Dear god, does that mean there’s going to be more parts?

I wear glasses. Can’t see things that are far away very well. That means I’m nearsighted, but I’ve encountered enough people who insisted that nearsighted means something else to know to explain it more clearly.

I wear glasses too. I can go for while with out them and see OK but then my eyes get tiered.

How about you Cube?
You wear glasses?

Goggle heads unite! 8)

Yach Zemeash!! Cubeypoo didn’t tell us if he wears corrective lenses or no.

I myself will go to optomytrst when I get my lazy bottom to it. I have a good benefit with work, so I get my glasses for next to nothing.

But as of now I have none, and yes I haven’t had them at all yet.

My eyes are ailling I think due to the fact that I work under very bright flourescents and stare at a computer screen the whole time (cashiering).

Funny my work what cause me to need lenses will pay for me to get them!! :smiley:

I wear glasses (i’m also nearsighted). But i hope i can get my eyes lasered since glasses/contacts are quite annoying (and my glasses are permanent!)

I need no eyewear, but I wouldn’t mind having some masterful shades.

I may need glasses when older though…

Erk! I didn’t realize I didn’t tell you guys that!

Yeah, I do wear glasses. I consider myself a nerd, and wearing glasses is the perfect compliment to that.

Well, I rather be a near-sighted nerd than a 20-20 jerk.

Ha! I just made that up! %|

Actually I didn’t get as many 4-eyes remarks as I expected when I
first started wearing mine back in highschool.

20-20 and been doing computer work or games in front of a tv or computer for nearly 20 years. Still no hint of needing glasses…

Don’t those LCD screens not hurt your eyes?


Yach Zemeash!!

Just out of odd curiosity, what does that mean? I hear Borat (the Kazakstanian(spelling?) reporter for Ali G) say it but i never really understand it. :slight_smile:

Never had to wear glasses. Hope I never have to…not coz i dont think they’re “not cool” (in fact I think i look alright with glasses :slight_smile: ) its just that if i ever have to wear them when I need to do something where I’ve never needed them…I’ve screwed my eyes up…probably for good…

I wear both glasses and contacts, whatever suits my mood… I need them permanently, otherwise a bat could beat me in a ‘find the difference’ contest :expressionless:

Using them since I turned 11, now i am 24… so that means I’ve been using them for… ehhhh… hum… 2+4 … 7-1 … SHIT!!! I’m lost with high level math :o