Looks & Personality

yeah i included that just so that you wouldn’t question my sexual orientation, even though i do still find myself very atractive.
actualy i think i would get marreid to myself if i were cloned. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

tom waits has a story about this… he is calling himself up on a phone, because he’s always there… he’s taking himself out to diner, he know what he likes… and in the end of the evening, some nice wine, and he ends up taking advantage of himself… “making a scene, with a magazine”…

yes… so it would be easy… I guess.

but as a reply to the original question, I answered “looks” here… partly, because I thought nobody would… and thus ruining the stupid poll, but also, because of course, when I meet somebody, the first impression comes from how the person is dressed, and how that person looks… just by looking at a person, you most of the times decide, if you start a conversation…
