In a distant future, they found a loo
Not knowing what it is, not knowing what it can do
They brought it to a lab, researching the inside’s poo
Which could be mine, but might as well come from you
Endi - Thanks. One day I hope to achieve the quality textures you make.
BgDM - Thanks. One day I hope to achieve the quality fart jokes you make.
Haha, JK.
What can I say, humor has always been an important factor in my work. And the few times there isn’t any humor in it, there should at least be a good if not great concept.
Toudou - Hi! I certainly hope my work can tell a story, without it being totally dependent on the verse (even though it makes it extra funny).
Ah crap!
Wasn’t sure how poo would look like in that state, but I could’ve been less subtle with the fractal subdivision.
mzungu - More people out there like Wu? Not sure if you mean the idiot humanoids or me with my toilet humor… in both cases you’re absolutely right.
3Distracted - Glad you liked it. Yeah, I think the verse gave it that little extra.
JCTiger - Thank you! The rhyme (verse/introtext or whatever) was also for some people if the image itself wasn’t obvious enough.
halsir - There’s no (mirror)reflection on the skin, but perhaps it’s because of the world- and lightcolours that bounce on the skin.
Pfff… I’m still thinking of a nr 3, but it has to be a good one. Make it worth it. Got to spread my crappy humor. Got to give those mods something to do.
Lord of the Rings Junkie - “Motel of the Mysteries” By David Mcauley? Nope, don’t know that one, I don’t read much (btw. it’s David Macaulay %| ). Oooh, it got drawings in it. Yeah, I just read some reviews of that book, and it has indeed some similarities. Doesn’t look like I can get this one in Dutch. With the English version I would miss too much, I think.
neverend - Haha, so you’re a fossillesed poo-expert? I like the holo-image too.
cipix - I was hoping this was more like a ‘9 days’-work. Anyway, I’m glad people seem to recognize my style (while it’s also evolving very slowly).
yoeri - I believe the hologram is funny too, and I also think the hologram is a very important factor in the storytelling. Or something.
Stefce - Thanks. The verse was actually quite easy to make. Lotsa words rhyme with poo. damn, I could’ve used ‘Wu’